The Complete Guide to Performing Weddings Like a Pro, The Everything Course!
Welcome to the Complete Guide to Performing Weddings Like a Pro, The Everything Course! In this course you will learn how to successfully complete wedding from beginning to end! From getting clients, to writing ceremony plans, vows and mailing the license. You will learn how to take phone calls and what to say, checking IDs and verifying your couple properly. Unlike other courses, I also cover the psychological aspects such as dealing with imposter syndrome, the stress from over anxious brides or "bridezillas," how to take payments and so much more! While this course is read only and doesn't at this time come with an automated test and an immediate certificate download, you WILL receive a formal professional certificate to print and fill out and use in your portfolio as the last part of this course. It is you're responsibility to click on it and save it. This course is as detailed as you will find and even comes with free vows, and a free example of a ceremony plan. The certificate will show valid proof of your education and understanding of the wedding industry and to conduct yourself professionally and ethically. This course does not give you a license, but it does explain how to apply for it and, if you're a notary, what states allow notaries to perform weddings without an officiant's license.
Please read the terms and conditions offered both within this course and free as a standalone option in the library.
See the free preview in the library that covers all the details!